

Lessons from within


The Magic of Listening

Have you had the experience of sharing something with a partner, friend or colleague only to have them hop in with advice or a story about themselves?

What effect did this have on you?

Just because you're not talking doesn't mean you're listening.

When someone is fully listening, the power is unmistakable.

Now think of a time when someone really heard you -- without trying to change you, give advice or interject something about themselves.

What effect did this have on you?

Listening is a proven healing tool.

It’s also persuasive. Not in the way you’d think.

When you give people space to really explore their own thinking — without judgement or advice — they are often able to come to better decisions than they might, if they felt they had to defend a position.

Listening is magic.

It’s a learnable and powerful skill set for business AND personal life.

I’m currently working with a leader in the industrial design space on building his listening skills. We identified it as the thread between his personal life and his leadership role.

Working with some fun listening exercises, he is strengthening his listening muscle.

Listening with deep curiosity is the secret sauce for almost any situation.

It’s one of the most powerful tools of human interaction.

Skillful listening is the key difference between disempowered and powerful relationships of all kinds.

Susan GainesComment