

Lessons from within


The Value of Values

"My path was laid out for me," a high-achiever recently told me. "I worked hard and then I found myself plopped down in the middle of adulting with very few tools."

The tools of adulting are largely internal, after all.

They're about relationships, communication, follow through, getting things done that aren't immediately required by your demanding job, keeping your word.

Often, recurring challenges of adulting often come down to knowing what you really want, what you believe and, ultimately, who you are.

This most fundamental knowledge can be revealed through values.

What are values?

They don't belong to your church, family or community -- though they are influenced by them all.

They aren't the 10 Commandments, though those are a great place to start.

Values are not rigid or "old-fashioned". Nor are the dictated from the outside, though again, that's where they may have started.

Your values are YOURS.

The sooner you know them and follow them, the sooner your path will become clear. You'll be able to navigate with confidence and decisiveness.

They are the guideposts for life.

They help us make big and small decisions everyday.

And when you honor your values, you stand with poise in your authority.

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