

Lessons from within


Suffering is Not Part of the Solution

If you're reading this, you already know.

The medical system is toxic.

You already know, because you might be a burned out physician, or know one who is.

Or you know someone who's left the profession, somewhat heartbroken -- or crushed.

People like Ann Richardson, MBA, are working tirelessly to call this out and change it.

Meanwhile, many physicians don't have the choice to leave even if they wanted to.

Debt has many physicians working in a sort of indentured servitude.

And many don't want to leave, because doctoring is a calling.

The health of the healer is imperative.

Or it should be.

It cannot wait for the system to change.

Physicians' souls -- and too often their very lives -- are on the line.

Taking care of yourself is not giving up on the system.

It's not either/or.

Broken physicians can't fix a broken system.

Taking care of yourself is part of how you change the system.

Physician wellness is integral to changing the system.

Whole physicians -- those awake to the broken system but not broken by it -- are the most powerful voices of change.

Self-care is a moral imperative.

Susan GainesComment