

Lessons from within


Your Dreams Are Closer Than You Think

Have you thought about learning to fly a plane?

Dreamed about selling your house and moving to Spain?

Wondered what your life would be like if you'd become a chef instead of a doctor?

Yearned to be a gardener instead of a lawyer?

Curious to explore painting or pottery?


We're learners, explorers, children at heart; curious, full of wonder, yearning to feel something. The call to create, explore, break free of the daily schedule, shed our narrow identities even for a day, is the call to discover all of ourselves.

If you or your family says it's "crazy", "impossible", "not realistic" or "impractical" -- it may be time to do it anyway.

If you are afraid of not being good at it, that you can't monetize it or even get a certificate for it -- good. Do it anyway. Do it for the pure sake of trying something you've always wanted to try. Try it for the sake of exercising your courage. Try it just because.

Transformation starts with one step. It starts with "what if?" It starts with trying something new, stepping outside of your routine without any outcome in mind. It's about the journey.

Maybe you're not ready to quit your job, sell your house and move to Europe. Maybe that's not your dream. But even the smallest explorations can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life. Are you ready to commit to one new thing this week?

Susan GainesComment