

Lessons from within


5 Procrastination Busters (and why we wait)

How are those resolutions going?

Are you putting them off?

Was “stop procrastinating” on your list?

While most of us procrastinate from time to time, some 20% of us identify as "chronic procrastinators."

Some of the most successful people -- including doctors -- fall prey to the Avoider monster.

This is in part due to impossible schedules. You simply cannot get to everything that needs to get done.

So you push it off until panic sets in. And the cycle continues.

Procrastination, at it's most primal root, is about avoiding pain.

Chronic procrastinators view more tasks as unpleasant than non-procrastinators.

Of course, the more you procrastinate the more unpleasant the task looms.

You may be a victim of it at this very moment by reading this post.🧐

Here’s are some ways to take the wheel back from the Procrastinator:

  1. Do a little bit at a time. For example, spend 20 minutes flagging the emails that require a thoughtful response.

  2. Remove distractions: Put your phone in another room, turn off your email.

  3. Attitude of self-compassion and forgiveness. Studies show that berating yourself for putting things off does not make you do better next time. Be kind. Keep trying.

  4. Reward yourself. After you spend the amount of time you committed toward the project, play a game on your phone, indulge in scrolling. Do the things you do to avoid your project.

  5. Turn "have to's" into "want to's".  Find a way to make it something to look forward to, or at least not dread.

May this be the year, you take control back. Say No to the hustle. Say Yes to yourself, tackling the tasks one step at a time.

Susan GainesComment