

Lessons from within


How to Stop Should-ing on Yourself

You “shouldn’t” have quit that job.

You “should’ve” quit sooner.

You berate yourself for years ago not marrying the woman you now think was "the one".

You think you missed your chance to do something “better” -- another job, a different profession altogether.

You know you’re circling the Drain of Regret if you use the words Should’ve, Would’ve, Could’ve.

Is this you?

Stop SHOULD-ING on yourself.

The past cannot be changed. But your perspective on it can.

Successful people make regret an ally.

If a regret keeps coming up, listen.

What’s it asking of you?

What really matters to you now?

What do you really want?

  • A loving, intimate relationship is VITAL.

  • A fulfilling job is ESSENTIAL.

  • Living in a geographical and cultural place that fits you MATTERS.

Let regret light your path forward.

Go boldly toward your longing.

Susan GainesComment