

Lessons from within


How Parenting Taught me the #1 Lesson Of Coaching

Last year, my daughter married the love-of-her life.

To walk her down the isle with her father was one of the greatest honors of my lifetime.

But I did not get her to this point. She did.

Parenting this young woman has mostly been a backseat endeavor.

My daughter has always known what she wants and how to work for it. It started with clothing choices at age four (only dresses) and then again at age 6 (only pants).

I have cheered her on, asked her questions and challenged her when she was discordant with her direction.

But I always knew that the answers could only be found in her own heart. And this was the spirit with which I tried to parent her.

Her heart is big and strong -- the size of it only matched by her intellect and determination.

So when she said “I do”, there was no question that she'd chosen well.

This is how parenting has laid the foundation for the best coaching.

Coaching, after all, is not about giving clients your opinions or "steering" them one way or another.

Like parenting, coaching is about helping people recognize their true and highest self.

From there, any decision someone makes is THEIR OWN.

Any decision from this highest self is "right."

When you choose a direction from your values and life purpose, there are no "mistakes" only learning.

If you are operating from a place of self-knowledge, self-compassion, curiosity and courage, you can't go wrong.

Learning will sometimes be painful and always abundant.

Here's to finding your heart -- taking courage to act on it -- so you can fly.

Susan GainesComment