I'm Not Your Coach If...
You think your coach needs to have an M.D. or a D.O. to understand a doctor's life.
You think that change comes from goal setting alone.
You think sustainable change has to be hard.
You believe all your problems will go away if your circumstances change.
You’re looking for an accountability buddy.
You think change will take years.
You think change will be instantaneous.
You’re looking for someone to tell you what to do.
You’re looking for a consultant.
You don’t believe in the power of intuition.
You don’t think laughter is part of the process.
You’re not ready for someone who sees you completely.
You’re looking for a coach who has as many, or more letters behind their name as you have.
You’re looking for a therapist.
You think you have it all figured out.
You don’t believe you can change.
You don’t want to change.
You believe the system holds all the keys to your humanity and your happiness.
You don’t believe in the possibility of total transformation at any age.
I am your coach if…
You believe this time it could be different.
You’re afraid that it might be too late.
You’re also afraid to believe that it’s not.
You that happiness is a human birthright.
You are willing to believe that the system does not ultimately own your humanity.
You keep looking me up.
You like what I write, but you’ve been postponing a free meeting with me.
You are willing consider things from a new perspective.
You’ve come to the Needs Assessment page and leave the website without filling it out.
Maybe more than once.
You believe it’s possible that perspective could change everything.
You think you’ve looked at your challenges from every angle.
You want someone who sees what’s possible for you, even when you don’t.
You are hungry to find peace.
You’re terrified to stop working.
You’re afraid to sit still.
You are ready for true love: starting with yourself.
You’re afraid to be alone.
You’re tired of chasing happiness down the road.
You are looking for somehow with whom you can be yourself 100%.
You’re looking for someone to hold safe and courageous space for you.
You’re ready to set aside what you think you know to step into what you don’t.
You’re ready to go on the adventure of a lifetime — without going anywhere.
You’re ready to claim the next chapter of your life as one of happiness, peace and clarity.