

Lessons from within


3 Ways You're Prioritizing Reputation Over Connection (and what it's costing you)

  1. You stayed up late arguing with your spouse about your long hours and how the kids miss you. A patient tells you you look tired. But you don't tell anyone — certainly not patients — what you're struggling with at home.

  2. You fall asleep at your kid’s play. You’re short-fused with them at home. You’re pre-occupied, feel the constant burden of being behind on your charts. Or, you’re ruminating on a particular case. Did you miss something? You don't tell anyone at home what you're struggling with at work.

  3. You feel invisible everywhere, because no one knows what you're truly thinking or feeling. You’re so afraid of feeling judged at work, that you don’t share the truth with anyone. And you’re not present at home, because you’re trying to leave work at work. When your spouse asks how your day was, you don’t know how to begin describing the frustrations. Or, you’re afraid once you start, you won’t be able to stop.

The cost: Loneliness and isolation.

Fear of judgment is the greatest barrier against connection.

Vulnerability is the key to belonging.

You won’t be seen, if you don’t allow yourself to be seen.

Vulnerability takes courage.

But the rewards are immeasurable.

What does it look like to take a chance on connection today?

What’s one small way you can show up authentically today?

Susan GainesComment