

Lessons from within


3 Thing That Might Surprise You About Coaching

  1. I am not going to fix you. You’re not broken and I’m not a mechanic.

    As your coach, I hold you naturally, creative, resourceful and whole (NCRW).* You have everything it takes to change within you.

  2. I do not have a plan for you.

    Coaching, at its best creates safe, courageous space for you to explore options — even outlandish ones — so you can create a plan and design your life without fear.

  3. I am not going to give you advice.

    It doesn’t matter what I think. What matters is that you bravely look under every rock, in every closet to find what is true — for you and only you.

What you can expect from great coaching:

  1. Learn to live your best life. This requires that you participate in the discovery of what that means. It is not about a coach foisting their idea of what that is upon you.

  2. Be the author of your own life. No one can do that except for you.

  3. A coach who is fiercely courageous. This means allowing you to feel discomfort sometimes, to sit in not knowing. It also means challenging you to step into a life you never thought was possible.

While great coaching is not about the coach’s plan, neither is it about disingenuously supporting anything that the client comes up with. Coaches are human. Because great coaches want the very best for their clients, they may challenge you on the truth of what you’re saying.

I believe so hard in my clients that I KNOW that no advice, plan or fix could be as good as what you come up with for yourself.

*A foundational principal of the Co-Active® Coaching model

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