

Lessons from within

When Your Heart is Wide Open

My daughter is getting married this week.

I know, I know. This isn't FaceBook.

LinkedIn is for business.

But in my world -- in the world of life coaching -- my heart is in my business and my business in my heart.

Integration, not compartmentalizing. Life is not in boxes.

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Susan GainesComment
What Forgetting Can Teach Us

My mother is in the advance stages of Alzheimer's.

I try to visit her a few times a week.

If I wait too long, I feel guilty, which makes me delay another day.

But as soon as I'm at her bedside, regret and guilt evaporate.

There is no time for this.

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Susan GainesComment
You Can't Be in Two Places at Once (and other impossibilities doctors try to achieve)

"My anxiety is almost never about complex cases," writes pediatric surgeon, Erik Pearson, MD FACS. "My anxiety comes from having to be in two places at once."

This is a common source of anxiety among doctors.

Logically, we know we can't be two places at once, yet the superhero mentality reinforced by physician culture and profit structure, has many doctors believing that they should.

The impossibility of being two places at once breeds a persistent, nagging sense of failure.

This sense of "not doing enough" comes in other forms, too.

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Susan GainesComment
The Loneliest Profession (and how to break out)

"I am lonely," a physician, I’ll call Fred, tells me.

Fred is not alone in his loneliness.

Daily, I hear from physicians that they are lonely -- or stay in unfulfilling relationships, because they fear loneliness.

Medicine is, hands down, one of the loneliest professions, according to a survey by the Harvard Business Review.

What causes loneliness in medicine?

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