

Lessons from within

Lower Stress Through Awareness: What Does This Mean For Busy Doctors?

Experiences shape your body and the way it moves. Just look at how athletes are built to perform their particular sports. Body shape and function, of course, have some genetic components, but it is training -- the way one moves repeatedly -- that so perfectly prepares the body for that particular sport or life. But, did you know it goes both ways? Not only do experiences shape our bodies, but the way we move and hold ourselves shape our experiences in everyday life. ⁠ ⁠

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Doctors Seeking Fulfillment: It’s Starts Within

“'I am because we are', because we belong to each other," wrote Gene Gincherman, MD, an emergency medicine physician. It is this definition of Ubuntu, an African concept that helps Gincherman navigate burnout. “Emergency medicine is such a sacred space for [Ubuntu], for it is where we get to meet strangers who are hurting and try to become whole again," he says.

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The Elephant in the Room: Grief

Physician burnout, in many ways, is about missing things; parts of our lives, our relationships to ourselves and ultimately to ourselves. This grief might show up as cynicism, impatience, depression, pain, apathy, to name a few of the symptoms of burnout.

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Getting Unstuck: First You Have to Know Where You Are

Just like lifting weights at the gym, you become mentally stronger — able to be quiet amidst the storm of the clinic or hospital — by doing repetitions of the exercise. In this case, the exercise is being. By learning to quiet your mind, simply breathing, even for just five breaths, actually changes your brain in the same way you change your biceps by doing dumbbell curls. After just six weeks of regular mindfulness meditation practice, changes can be observed on MRI.

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Is Work-Life Balance A Myth?

When I ask physicians how their work-life balance is going, I get a range of reactions from scoffing to sarcasm to despair. “The notion of a 'work-life balance' is a new and strange 20-something kids are more comfortable with it than I am,” a physician recently confided. As he faces retirement earlier than he’d planned, his very identity is at stake as he faces the Life part of the equation.

What does work-life balance mean?

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How Coaching Helps Doctors

Increasing your adaptive ability, or resilience -- not to just shore you up so you can go back to a toxic work environment, but also to help you create boundaries, build courage to say No, get creative about Yes and maybe even find a new direction altogether -- THIS is the power of coaching.

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Are You Treating the Patient or the Person?

When you walk into a room for the first time, what do you see, a patient or a person?

I recently spoke with one of my clients, a neurologist specializing in stroke, about this. For him, this question of patient or person is absolutely and inextricably linked to the fixer-healer question. As a physician in a specialty where events have often already happened, a good deal of his energy is spent providing comfort and information, ultimately empowering the patient with knowledge.

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Susan GainesComment
Why I Work With Doctors

To help even one physician become pain-free and achieve work-life balance, is to help countless others with whom they cross paths as patients, colleagues and friends. You are the influencers, the healers. You fix others, but somehow can’t quite fix yourselves.

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